Why Do We Need Initial DEX Offering (IDO) ?

An Initial DEX Offering (IDO) is what, exactly? A new and intriguing type of decentralized and permissionless crowdfunding platform called an initial DEX offering development, or IDO, is introducing a new method of generating money in the cryptocurrency industry. When a project launches an IDO, it indicates it is doing so using a decentralized liquidity exchange to create a coin or token. This kind of cryptocurrency asset exchange relies on liquidity pools where users can trade tokens like stablecoins and crypto coins. One such liquidity pair is USDT/ETH. There is a list of future, ongoing, and completed projects that are raising money on Suffescom's ICO calendar. The projects are divided into groups according to the many phases of their funding, including IDO, IEO, private sale, public sale, and crowdloan. As of August 2021, IDOs have raised money for projects during the last few months, possibly indicating that this method is becoming more and more popular. IDO: A Better Model fo...